
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Enjoying the Australian bush

We were fortunate enough recently, to enjoy a few wonderful days
living in a timber cottage on 25acres in the Australian bush

 We walked the mapped out walks winding around the property, searching out the wild orchids and native plants.  It was a beautiful experience.

                             We spotted many native birds including this one which was huge.

           The Flora became more dense as we went further into the bush,  and the colours so vibrant.

 The beautifully brightly coloured Lorakeets came down to the drinking bowl, even when we were very close, sitting on the deck having breakfast.  I especially loved the little blue wrens.

                                                   The bark on the gumtrees was beautiful

A lovely little Robin Red Breast

These gorgeous plants are called Black Boys and their flower is a long black spike that comes straight up through the middle. If you look closely, there is a Kangaroo,right in the centre of the photo,standing up watching me.  They blend in with the grey bush.

A little Wren

On our last day,we were sitting inside having breakfast,as it started to rain,when suddenly,a whole family of Kangaroos came quite near to feed, including mum,dad,teenager and a quite large Joey who jumped into his mums pouch.  It was so funny ,as his long legs were sticking out.  I don't know if you can see them in this picture, as I took the photo's through the window,so as not to startle them.

Isn't this the most beautiful plant (Calestemon) Bottle Brush  The birds love it's nectar.


Anonymous said...

The Australian bushland is magnificent isn't it...full of wonderful fauna and flora...I'm so fond of the little blue wren, they are so followed me on my morning walk only this week...great shots!!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh my! I have NEVER seen such beautifully colored birds. How lovely.

Denise Pacurar said...

Wow, this is so so beautiful!! I've never been to Australia but have a few friends that live there! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures!! Those Lorakeets are so so amazing and colorful!


Shabby chic Sandy said...

These flowers and birds are lovely. I enjoy your pictures so much..seems like a world away from here! I am so flattered that you like my silver blue/white Christmas decorating. I always so appreciate your sweet comments. Happy silver hunting!


Oh how beautiful! I wish I could come see your pretty country for myself, but for now, I will have to live vicariously through you.


Marijke van Ooijen said...


Ohhh...I love your beautiful blog.
And I will follow your blog.
Please take a look into my world.


Kathy said...

These are gorgeous! Just love the tropical looking plants and birds - what an exciting adventure for you! Thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
God Bless,