
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Too Many Teacups?

I am not sure,but do you think you can have too many teacups?

I can't help myself,when I go thrifting. I can't not buy one if it is pretty or,and a good price.

This little pile are missing their saucer,and do I care,not likely.
You never know when that allusive little saucer or plate may turn up.

I have these patterns imprinted on my brain.

Then there are the ones that come in sets,and usually have never been used.
Maybe sat in some ones china cabinet for years.

Or the little sets which come your way from a friend who knows how much you will treasure their unwanted ones

A gift from a work  colleague many years ago

Then there are all the completed sets, some including plates

Then the bridal set from early married life,which is used often

More tucked away for every day use in the back of the cupboard

And lastly a basket full on the counter top for everyday use.

This is the set we use for breakfast everyday
I like to call it our breakfast set, I set the table for breakfast after dinner at night.
It's what my grandma always did,and I loved everything she did.

I am now going to have a nice cup of Tulsi tea with some home made custard tart
It's so nice to be able to have a different teacup when you feel like a change.:)

Do you have an obsession with teacups?

I am joining all my friends at the following tea parties.
Rose Chintz Cottage
Antiques and Teacups
Trish's Heart and Home
Have a daily cup Mrs Olsen
xx jeanetteann


Shabby chic Sandy said...

I was going to say that you can never have too many teacups but my have a lot! I would say if you love them and have room for them then enjoy! They are very pretty and I love them too. There are so many projects i have seen with teacups too. Have a good day!

theromanticrose said...

Si,anch'io ho l'ossessione delle tazze da the'!Le metto ovunque anche in bagno e attaccate all'albero di natale!Le tazze che hai fatto vedere sono bellissime,qualcuno è uguale alle mie che trovo nei mercatini!Bacioni e buona giornata,Rosetta

CEO Lisa Anne - L.A said...

Hi Jeanetteann,
I love all your beautiful teacups! You can never have too many teacups in my opinion *wink* I love to collect teacups & teapots! I would love to have tea & custard with you. Your custard looks delicious. Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think you can ever have too many tea cups and you have quite a collection there! :) Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Donna Heber said...

I say no you can NEVER have too many teacups :-) Now, finding space to put them can be another issue. You have quite the beautiful collection.

Unknown said...

What a lovely collection. My mom was a firm believer that one could not have too many teacups. As children, and with the grands and great grands, we often had tea parties using 'real' china cups.

my little cottage said...

nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more blessings

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Oh Jeanetteann, I can see that I don't have nearly enough teacups. lol! You have them displayes so wonderfully. I think everyone of them is just precious.


Oh my goodness, you have a huge range of gorgeous teacups, I loved seeing them all together...thought I have a good collection, but you my friend, top everyone!! I adore teacups too and I have an obsession for them. Lovely honey. Thanks for sharing and for your sweet visit. I just became your follower, hope you like to do the same...only if you really do, though!

Karen said...

What a pretty collection. I was just telling my daughter I needed some pretty teacups. After seeing yours I'm more convinced than ever. Thanks for stopping by!

janice15 said...

lol well I think you beat me...they are wonderful..and I love the baby blue ones...much love Janice

Laura said...

Your post made me smile. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my addiction! I love teapots as well and though some think me mad, I just can't stop collecting them!
A wonderful week to you!

Ivy and Elephants said...

You can NEVER have too many tea cups!
So lovely, you know the blue and whites are my favorites!

Trish said...

Wow! You do have quite a few don't you, lol!
All lovely and hard to resist.
The ones without saucers make great measuring cups for flour, sugar etc when baking.
Pretty and still practical :-)
It's nice to see how much you enjoy your little treasures!
blessings..Trish xx

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Jeanetteann,
I LOVE the teapot and cup/saucer set with the yellow and red flowers...they make me smile.
As for your only have too many anythings when you have no more display or storage space left.
have a good week
Barb from Australia

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You have so many pretty collections, not to mention the odd ones here and there.
I restrain myself now, it has to be something special and in a pattern I don't have, to buy it.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

You have so many beautiful teacups! You can't have too many though:)

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

What a wonderful collection of teacups. Just Beautiful!


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Jeanetteann,
You have a lovely collection and the soft blues and pinks are what really caught my eye. My obsession has always been for pretty teapots but I find I'm really getting into teacups too. I will not buy one however unless I simply can't live without it. Most of my teacups are in 'sets of dishes.' I enjoyed seeing your pretties and thank you for sharing them with us.


Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

"Never,Never,Never can we have enough teacups"!!! Your collection is "GORGEOUS"! and I "KNOW" you already know that, because I can picture you smiling at them... You are "SO AMONGST FRIENDS" here that share your passion.
I am positive that the saucers to your sweet orphans are out there and will be joining you soon... We need to set up a swap shop...
Have a fun week,

Kathy said...

Pshaw! One can never have too many teacups - yours are absolutely beautiful - It must be fun just finding places to display/store them!
I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

Two Cottages And Tea said...

I can see I need to buy more teacups! Actually I've been looking for them at thrift stores and right now there is none to be had. What is everyone doing with them? Anyway, yours are all lovely and if you have room what better collection to have. Love your breakfast set and its so sweet what you said about your Grandma.
Have a good evening.

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely post on Simple & Sweet Fridays.


allisamazing said...

Your teacups are lovely :)

Creations By Cindy said...

WOW! I would say you don't have enough tea cups!!!! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cindy Adkins said...

You have soooo many beautiful teacups! I hope you'll stop by my blog and enter my giveaway! You might win another one!

Susan said...

Hi Jeanetteann! Love all your tea cups. Fabulous. Susan

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

They're all gorgeous, never too many as long as they give you pleasure! My theory anyway. Pam

Diann said...

Well, I love all the different teacups! they all look so pretty. I am not the person to ask if you have too many since i have about 75 teacups and saucer sets! LOL Thank you for sharing this with us at TTF. I hope you have a fantastic day!

debra said...

LOL That's ALOT of teacups!

Such a pretty collection! :)

Unknown said...

No! Never to many! :)

But then maybe I'm the wrong person to ask... ;)

You have a lovely collection!!


Little Susie Home Maker said...

Stunning! I wish I had some china. I do have a set I got for my hope chest when I was a young lady, but none else but a pretty tea cup and saucer from my mother! I also love the lace on your shelves!

Gina said...

You have a beautiful collection of teacups & I don't think you can ever have too many! Enjoy them!

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

You have so many pretty ones. I love the idea of having a basketful. That's one way to store them when you run out of room!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Jeanetteann, just wanted to hop over and let you know that I will be featuring your teacup collection on Share Your Cup this week.

Brenda said...

I truly love all of your beautiful tea sets. I don't think you can have too many tea cups. Who knows who might come over for tea! I am a new collector so I don't have many at this time, but hoping to get a few down the road. I love all the different colors and shapes and I'm really getting into the ones with BIG flowers on them. It's good to be a girl. LOL...
Thanks for sharing your wonderful treasures.

Katherines Corner said...

no, never to many giggle. They are all lovely! Hugs