
Friday, May 3, 2013

The garden is still producing in Autumn and table centrepiece

I changed the table centrepiece,using my new Ikea pots today,
faux lavender and a few other silk flowers including
some dried hydrangeas from the garden

I think I've changed my mind and prefer the white lace cloth
Less busy


I am still picking roses from the garden, even though it's Autumn
The weather has been so nice. 

The garden doesn't know it's Autumn,
it's too warm.
 I don't mind,as the next pictures show,the blooms keep coming.

We are going out tomorrow to get 2 more climbing roses

We have an old Cecile Brunner which is getting too big for our little
garden,so it has to go. We will replace it with an old fashioned
more gentle rose. I'm not sure which one yet.

We also have a beautiful large yellow rose which we planted 
next to the pergola.
 It was supposed to be a climber
It's been in 5 yrs and hasn't climbed yet. I think they had the wrong 
name on it.

So that has to also be moved. It's so pretty though,so we will put it somewhere else.

Lots of time in the garden this weekend. Love it.

I am joining some lovely linky parties this week
The links are on my side bar.

xx  jeanetteann


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Your flowers are gorgeous. I always have a weakness for roses.

Fishtail Cottage said...

gorgeous roses! please come over and share your gardening posts at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! xoox, tracie

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The Ikea pots are sweet, I've seen them on other blogs too. Gorgeous roses, they make a nice bouquet.

Tea Cottage Pretties said...

Oh thank you for sharing! I love your roses and I love your lace table scarf. Roses and lace, two of my favs.

Rhissanna said...

What lovely lacy pots and oh! What beautiful roses. Yes, cut them and enjoy them before the cold takes them away. They're gorgeous!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Your table centerpiece is very pretty and your flowers are beautiful! Nancy

Susan said...

Hello Jeanetteann...Oh, I love roses. Hope you got some beauties.

By the way, I think a chandy would look GORGEOUS in your long and lovely hallway!


Trish said...

Wow! Your roses are still flowering beautifully, Jeanetteann!
They are really lovely.
I like the white cloth better too..and I also think a pretty chandelier in your hallway would look wonderful :-)
I have been having trouble getting your blog to update on my sidebar lately. Don't know what to make of it, but I guess it will sort itself out.
Hope all is well with you.
love and blessings..Trish x

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

We are just going in to Summer and i guess you are going into Winter??

Beautiful Blooms for any season!!


Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

It is so fun to realize I can be friends with people all over the world through our blogs! We are just now experiencing Spring, as you are Autumn. Your roses are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing it at to What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!


Fishtail Cottage said...

yay! thank you so much for coming over to link your post to the first garden party of the season! your blooms are just gorgeous! xoxo, tracie

theromanticrose said...

Come è bello e dolce vedere tutti questi fiori dolci!Baci,Rosetta

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

So wonderful to see so many gorgeous flowers! Love that fabulous white cloth too! I wish our roses would be wildly successful. We only get a few. Glad you still have lovely days.

Kathy said...

Hello Jeanetteann, Lovely roses - it is wonderful to see them still blooming and to experience with you a very different season as ours! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,