
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Baking

I had a spurt of energy this afternoon so I decided to do some homemade bread for my lunch friends tomorrow but I got carried away as always when I am in the kitchen.  I figure if I am going to turn the kitchen into a huge mess of dishes and bits all over the floor like what usually happens when I cook, I may as well make it worthwhile, soooo the result, bread, hot cross buns, scones, biscuits, slice and muesli cake.  Not a bad afternoons play which is what it is to me because I get so lost in cooking that I forget the time.  Who needs to sit still to meditate? just do what you enjoy most, just as good a result.


Anonymous said...

We need to work out a way to I can drop in for tea. That baking looks just delicious and I want to sample it all.

Lou xo

Heirloom treasures said...

I would love you to Lou, maybe one day heh.x

Small Things Simple Pleasures said...

I'm with you. I zone out when I'm doing something practical that I enjoy be it cooking, gardening or painting. Can't eat painted walls at the end, though. I can almost smell those hot-cross buns.